Frequently Asked questions
1. What is a Competition Wall?
It is a specialized climbing wall used for competition climbing. The difficulty can range from easy to complex which is designed to challenge the climbers’ strength, technique, and mental focus.
Overall, the Comp Wall is an exciting and dynamic environment to challenge climbers and have fun!
2. How does a Competition Wall work?
In a climbing competition, climbers are given a set amount of time to complete a designated problem. The challenge is to complete the boulder problem using the fewest number of attempts within a given time frame, which is typically four minutes.
The time frame adds an element of challenge and pressure to the game. Time clocks will be available where you can Bluetooth connect on your smartphones. 4 mins… GO.
Each route will have a Start position followed by intermediate holds and a finishing hold. Climbers must start and reach the finish hold correctly to complete the route successfully.
Each route will also have a “Zone” hold. Think of this as a checkpoint. If you climb to the zone hold in 2 attempts and your friend does it in 3, you’re winning!
Want to put yourself to the test?! Set a 4 minute timer for each boulder and remember not to watch anyone else try the climbs! Download the GymNext app, connect via bluetooth, GO.
3. What are the Start/Zone/Top Markings?
Each boulder will have clear markings to identify:
- “Starting Holds” for both hands and feet – four markings in total
- One “Zone Hold” per boulder which is positioned to aid the separation of competitors with markedly different performance
- “Top Hold” marked as a finishing hold or a standing position on top of the boulder
- The markings used on each boulder will have one color for the Starting Holds and Top, and a white marking (different from the Starting Holds and Top) will be used for Zone Holds.
4. What is considered a proper start and finish of a climb on the Comp Wall?
A proper start is considered “Correct” if the competitor achieves a stable, Controlled position with both hands and feet on the Starting Holds without using other holds or structures
A proper finish of the climb is considered “Successful” if the competitor is in a Controlled position with both hands on the Top hold or standing on top of the boulder.
“Controls, Controlled, and Controlling” means that a competitor has made use of an object/structure to achieve or change a stable body position
5. Will the Comp Wall be available to the Public?
The Comp Wall will be made available to the public; however, the Flowstone Climbing Teams reserve the right to occupy the Comp Wall as needed.
Additionally, we will host various training camps, setting clinics, mock comps, etc. that may take place on some weekdays and weekends which could make the Comp Wall temporarily unavailable. While we will do our best to provide announcements regarding availability and any schedule changes, we cannot guarantee that the wall will be available at all times.